3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing

This semester, I am taking my first college class since graduating in 2011 with a BFA in Graphic Design. The class is MM3305 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing taught by Mac Cameron and Derek Mathers. 

In a sentence, 3D printing and manufacturing has affected me by igniting my imagination.

If you can make anything, what will you make?

Medjules for surgical training


Medjules are a suite of modular trainers intended to objectively asses skills such as knot-tying, suturing, and tool articulation. Each new skill comes in the form of a modular top to be attached to the universal base.

Like a 3D game of "Operation" meets "Simon Says", the tool articulation task tracks speed and accuracy while transferring metal rings from one S-shaped post to the next. This Medjule records the frequency and duration of error each time a ring touches a post.


3D Body Scanning and Printing