Actions often seem brash or self centered when viewed out of context. When actions make no sense, we must first make the assumption that we are missing context.
Weekly Wisdom #11
Do not forget to be patient. Growth, change, everything worth while takes time.
Weekly Wisdom #10
We get to know just this tiny fraction of all the knowledge of all the world that our body has seen. And that's okay.
Weekly Wisdom #9
We all know this but it can be hard to remember. If you are feeling down, doing movement that you enjoy can transform your outlook on life. It isn't working out. It's healing, and its having fun.
Moving the body can heal the soul
Weekly Wisdom #8
Weekly Wisdom #7
Weekly Wisdom #6
We often expect more of others than we are willing to offer ourselves. We should think about change in ourselves before requesting it of others.
We believe that the change you expect in others comes in equal and opposite proportion to the change you show in yourself.
Weekly Wisdom #5
I cannot think of a single thing that is binary. Not politics, not gender, not matter
We believe that nothing is Black and White.
Weekly Wisdom #4
An answer cuts off future potentials. It ends a path. You wonder what color to paint the bedroom. Could be anything. Blue. Now the potential has ended. There of course need to be answers. Just as all things must die. But the perspective shift lies in seeing uncertainty as not just a part of but life itself.
Weekly Wisdom #3
When we know everything that the world knows. When we are living in each other's brain, how can we live without empathy?
We believe that empathy is the key that unlocks collective consciousness.
Weekly Wisdom #2
Love does not require exclusion. Love does not want less love in the world.
We believe that love is inclusive.
Weekly Wisdom #1
Each week, we will bring you one thought or life philosophy we have espoused. Today's wisdom is a metaphor for life inspired by yoga.
We believe in Inhaling what you need, and exhaling what you have.